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Whether it’s for personal or commercial purposes, a standard query for someone who orders a shipping container is to ask how long it takes for delivery. In normal circumstances, a shipping container delivery should only take a few days after placing your order. Although unforeseen circumstances can occur, delivery shouldn’t take longer than seven working days.

However, the process of getting a shipping container is more complicated than many people realize. Before ordering one, there are several things that you must consider. It’s vital to be aware of the legal and practical implications.

Legal Regulations

Several counties and cities require a legal permit to place a container on your property. Although most cities don’t, it’s the buyer’s responsibility to ensure they’re legally permitted to hold a shipping container in a particular location.

Private delivery sites may have specific access requirements. Ensure that you have legal permission to access the site. If the site is inaccessible to the delivery truck driver, you might still be charged a delivery fee.

If you’re leasing a shipping container, there may also be insurance requirements.

The Delivery Process

Shipping containers are delivered on a tilt bed truck. To move a shipping container, the driver tilts the truck bed until the container is in position. The driver then backs out the flatbed truck from underneath the container.

To get the shipping container home safely and securely, there must be adequate space. The tilt bed needs around 14 feet of overhead clearance. Lengthwise, delivery drivers need around 60 feet of clearance to deliver a 24-foot container and 100 feet to deliver a 40-foot high cube. Aim for at least 12 feet of width clearance.

Some trucks are equipped with a crane to assist with the delivery. This type of truck is more cost-effective than hiring a separate crane. There will be a qualified crane operator on-hand to handle this process professionally.

If the site is dangerous, the delivery can be canceled, but you are still likely to be charged the cost of shipping.

Shipping Container Deliveries

Common Difficulties With Shipping Container Deliveries

There are a host of common difficulties that affect deliveries. Here are some to look out for:

  • An adult must be on-site to sign for the delivery. Ensure that someone is available.
  • Poor site conditions can lead to delivery cancellation. The delivery surface needs to be solid, durable, and dry. An excess of dirt or rain often warrants delivery rescheduling, and may incur an additional fee.
  • Poor road conditions leading to the delivery site can cause problems for the delivery driver.
  • Drivers may not have access to secured areas. Ensure your site clears the shipping container transport company before the delivery date.
  • The delivery site must have an even surface for the shipping container to function correctly. The safety of all container items is crucial. An uneven surface creates an imbalance, making the container doors difficult to open and close. If you don’t have access to an even surface, find a way to create a more even setting.

Ensuring a speedy delivery

All of the above factors influence delivery times. If things aren’t organized, there may be delays and extra delivery costs. However, the process can be much quicker if you organize the site, legal duties, and site access.

For a quote or further information on shipping container deliveries, contact Asiana USA at (855)-500-1808.

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