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Month: August 2019

What is the Difference Between 3PL, 4PL, and 5PL?

What is the Difference Between 3PL, 4PL, and 5PL?

Any shipping logistics company that is developing a business model and strategic plan to ship goods from their plant location to another destination needs to determine what kind of logistics solution strategy they must employ to do the job efficiently and at the...
Types of Freight and Freight Modes

Types of Freight and Freight Modes

The freight shipping service that involves the freight being shipped for supply chains, the mode of shipping that is used to transport freight, and the ultimate cost, the shipping freight rates, is fluid and a well-organized service that drives the economic engine in...
Modern Approaches to Logistics Management

Modern Approaches to Logistics Management

Logistics is the process of getting the goods or services from the manufacturer, the mines, or even a farm to arrive safely and securely to the receiver’s warehouse or front door or store. The actual logistics management system starts before the material is prepared...
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