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Asiana USA

Choosing the right partner for the shipping and logistics element of your business is crucial. A good freight forwarding and logistics company can streamline your goods’ transportation, find you the most competitive price, and help resolve any issues that occur during transit or at the destination.

Customs procedures can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with the incoterms and paperwork. There are so many elements to the shipping process that need to align that it can save you money and stress if you outsource your logistical needs.

While it can be challenging to identify the most suitable shipping and logistics partner for your business, certain factors are critical.

Range of Services

A logistics company might specialize in particular types of merchandise, or perhaps they only arrange ship to certain parts of the world. If these precise services are what you need, this can be a strength rather than a weakness.

However, if you expand in the future, you may have to look for a new logistics partner that can service your unique requirements. This could mean all the work and relationship-building with your original supplier is no longer of value.

If you need extra services such as warehouse and order fulfillment, then a company with a narrow focus may not meet all your essential requirements. A well-established company should also have many partners, so you have affordable and time-sensitive alternatives if there is a problem in the supply chain, or a mode of transport is unsuitable.

Ask each potential logistics partner about their services offered, and choose the shipping logistics company in the USA that is right for the short-term and long-term.

Customer Service

A logistics service should save you time and money. If you always have to chase a shipping company for answers to queries, even on day-to-day obligations, this increases your stress levels and delays your operation.

From your first interaction, check they pay attention to your individual needs and that they offer a white glove approach going above and beyond expectations when possible.

Marketplace Reputation

Ask for testimonials to ensure the company has a good reputation. Ask other businesses if they have worked with your potential shipping partner and if they found the company helpful.

You want the level of service to remain high even after many years. By checking how long the company has been in business, and their overall reputation, you can make a more informed choice.

Safety Ratings of Their Partners

It is essential to work with a shipping and logistics partner that takes the safety responsibilities of those they collaborate with seriously. Besides the moral obligation to do so, you could incur severe reputational damage if your partner or the ports and transportation companies they deal with do not take care of their employees. Due to the nature of the shipping industry and shipping services, there are many potential hazards, and employees could suffer serious injury or a fatality in the workplace.

shipping logistics company in usa

The Bottom Line

Shipping cost is only one factor when choosing the right shipping and logistics company. The cheapest option is not always the best option. A reputable and experienced logistics partner can save you money over time, because they have more resources at their disposal, and can deal with costly interruptions in the supply chain.

Working with the right shipping partner also helps to safeguard your reputation in the marketplace, which can be invaluable. For a consultation and a free quote, contact one of our shipping and logistics experts at Asiana USA at (833) 444-1333.

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